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A Litany from the Margins

Join us monthly on our livestreaming platforms on the 20th (except when the 20th falls on a Monday, when the service will be held on the 21st) at 12 noon Eastern Time.


This service developed for use by the AuSable Inclusion Center by the Rev. Beckett J. Leclaire, January 2025. Its use in this context was approved by the Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes in February 2025. This is not a General Convention approved liturgy.


It is free to use with proper attribution.

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Plain text is read by the Prayer Leader. Bold and italicized text is read by the Congregation.


Oh God, Creator of all that is,

Have mercy on us.

Oh God, Redeemer of the lost and broken,

Have mercy on us.

Oh God, Sustainer of life and hope,

Have mercy on us.

Oh God, Eternal, Three-in-one,

Have mercy on us.


Lay aside our complicity in the evil we have done and the evil done on our behalf. Do not respond to us based on our worst behavior. Remember your promise of redemption for your people. Remember how you have offered yourself for us. Spare us from the worst consequences of our actions and the actions of those in power.

Spare us, good Lord.



From all evil. From wickedness. From everything that separates us from your love. From the power of all agents of evil. From the temptation to turn away from you forever.

Deliver us, good Lord.


From hardness of heart. From excessive pride. From vanity. From hypocrisy. From envy. From hatred. From cruelty towards our neighbors. From anything that keeps us from loving our neighbor.

Deliver us, good Lord.


From anything that distracts us from following your call. From anything we would put before you. From false teachers, religious charlatans, grifters, and ideologues.

Deliver us, good Lord.


From natural disasters. From floods, fires, and pathogens. From collapse of infrastructure. From failure to prepare, protect, and prevent. From misinformation and short-sighted decision making.

Deliver us, good Lord.


From oppression. From tyranny. From death-dealing policymaking. From poor governance. From going along to get along. From fair-weather allies. From propaganda. From injustice masquerading as justice. From reasonable defenses of the indefensible.

Deliver us, good Lord.


From violence of every kind. From those who hide their violence behind administrative structures. From terror, militias, vigilantes, and state actors who abuse their power and deny people due process.

Deliver us, good Lord.


By your Incarnation and Birth: that you would live a human life for our sake. 

Deliver us, good Lord.


By your Passion and Death: that you would suffer unjust state violence for our sake.

Deliver us, good Lord.


By your Resurrection and Ascension: that you would conquer death and make all things new for our sake.

Deliver us, good Lord.


When we suffer, when we succeed, when we succumb to death as all mortals do, and when we stand before you in Eternity.

Deliver us, good Lord.



We humbly beg you to hear us, Lord God.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


Lead and guide the Church universal, that all people of faith may follow you truly.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would guide all ministers and leaders, especially those with institutional power; That all bishops, priests, and deacons may grasp and proclaim the truth of your Word and live lives that point to your goodness, your mercy, and your love.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would bless and keep all those who seek you.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would raise and empower evangelists of your love in every corner of the world.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would inspire every person to hear your Word and write it upon their hearts.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would give us hearts that love you, minds to know you, and hands and feet to do your work.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would turn the hearts of those in power to follow you. That they may do justice, love mercy, and walk in truth.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That war may end everywhere. That all creation may know peace and freedom.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That all who have been cast down may be lifted up. That prisoners may be released. That the hungry may be filled with good things. That the sick may be healed. That everyone may be housed and safe from all harm.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That every person may receive equal protection under the law. That the law may extend dignity to every person. That there may be free and fair elections. 

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That every person may have the dignity of bodily autonomy. That every pregnancy may be safe and healthy. That every child may know love and belonging. That families may be sources of safety and security. That those who experience loneliness may come to experience true belonging.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That every worker may receive a living wage. That the bounty of your creation may provide for every person fairly. That the abundance of creation may benefit all creatures. That we may have the wisdom to care for one another and the world we live in.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you may protect all refugees, migrants, and wanderers. That there may always be safe harbors and hospitable places. 

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you may protect those whose work puts them in danger. That you may grant wisdom and discernment to those who send others into harm’s way.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you may offer comfort to those afflicted in body or mind. That we may all have the strength and stability we need for the journeys of our lives.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you may grant us the courage to turn away from our wrongdoing. That when we know better, we may do better. That we may not be defined by our worst errors. That we may have the grace to truly follow you.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That those who have done us evil may be forgiven, that their hearts may be turned, and that they would change their ways.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That you would strengthen those who stand up. That you would give courage to those who speak up. That you would raise those who fall. That Satan may be trampled under our feet.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That the dead may rest in peace.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


That we may be counted among the saints in heaven.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.


Eternal One, we beg you to hear us.

We beg you to hear us, good Lord.



Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world.

Have mercy on us. 

Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world.

Have mercy on us. 

Lamb of God, that takes away the sins of the world.

Grant us peace.


Holy One, hear us.

Holy One, hear us.


Lord have mercy.

Christ have mercy.

Lord have mercy.


Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be your Name.

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done

On Earth as it is in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins

As we forgive those who sin against us.

Save us from the time of trial

And deliver us from evil.



Good Lord, arise! Help us!

For the sake of your Name, deliver us!


Eternal God, we have heard your promise with our own ears. Our ancestors have told us the great deeds you have done, in their times and throughout all history.

Good Lord, arise. Help us, and deliver us for the sake of your Name.


Glory to the holy and undivided Trinity. Glory to God for ever and ever. Amen.

Good Lord, arise. Help us, and deliver us for the sake of your Name.


Defend us from all perils.

Look upon our suffering.

Have pity on the sorrow of our hearts.

Forgive us whenever we turn away from you.

Mercifully hear our prayers.

Have mercy on us.

Holy One: Hear us whenever we call to you.

Hear us when we call, Holy One.


Let us pray.


We humbly beg you to behold us in our suffering, Eternal God. When you see our shortcomings, offer us mercy and protection. Help us to put our trust in you in all things, that we may serve you and be your people forever. To the glory of your name. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

© 2025 by the AuSable Inclusion Center, Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes.

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